When G-HAH was starting, back before the web actually, we were searching for an economical server. You see there was no yahoogroups or egroups or other places to get free servers for a group/list. Some folks had servers in their living rooms in order to help with communications.
Through a series of God connections, we were given space on the Missionary Aviators’ servers for a nominal fee. We could afford it with a few tweaks in our grocery budget.
However, their rules required a dash in the name of the group/list. We did not want to be named HA-HE (Houston Area Home Educators) so we added the Greater, and dropped the E.
In honor of the Missionary Aviators, which gave us our start, and for their continued work with technology, missionaries, and helping isolated peoples, we are keeping the dash. It is good to honor those who helped us along the way.