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GCCHS National Geographic Geography Bee

GCCHS National Geographic Geography Bee

Students in grades 4-8 are invited to participate in the GCCHS National Geographic Geography Bee. The winner of the Geo Bee will be able to take the test to qualify for the State Geo Bee. The winner of the State Bee will move on to the National Geo Bee in Washington D.C.

Volunteer Op -Speech & Debate

Give a Few Hours of Your Time to Listen and Provide Feedbak to Our High School Students as They Compete in a Speech & Debate Tournament **Get a group of friends together and make it an outing!**Considering this extracurric for your student? This is a great way to...

Houston Theater District Opens Again to Homeschoolers

On November 10, 2018, SPA is excited to host our inaugural National Geographic LIVE! series, sponsored by ConocoPhillips. For the three shows that make up this season’s series, SPA Education will be offering special student and teacher rates, providing a K-8 oriented...


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