Our Homeschool Journal

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Lesson Plans
Museum District Educator’s Open House
This is a great time to take hubby and discuss all the things that are available for the kids. We made this a date night, but you could take your HS Mom friends if you want. This was always right up there with homeschool conferences for us. Educators Open House...
First Tee of Houston
The First Tee of Greater Houston is a youth development organization program that teaches life skills and core values through the game of golf. Using The First Tee Nine Core Values and Nine Healthy Habits, participants learn how to successfully navigate through the...
The CHSA Golf 2015-2016 Season Kicks Off Soon
The CHSA Golf 2015-2016 Season Kicks Off Soon! Attend our Prospective Player-Parent Meeting & Registration to get detailed information and register. Get a preview of our great program by participating in our summer clinic (details below). Fall Season August 19 -...
Cub Scouts in West Houston
Pack 393 enjoyed many of you at kick off or at our summer events! Now is the time to register! Cub Scout Pack 393 A Christian Homeschool Pack Chartered by KACH Registration Night Monday, August 17, 2015 Cornerstone Church ...
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