Our Homeschool Journal

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Lesson Plans
KACH Christmas Pagent
With so many theater offers out there, consider supporting some homeschool thespians as they present their Christmas Pagent. A great low cost family evening.
Texas Regional Science Fair
The Texas Regional Science fair will be April 2, 2016 with the deadline to register being March 4, 2016. This is a good time to start talking with your children about what project they would like to present and build a unit study around that project. We are grateful...
Advent Calendars & Countdown Calendars
Here are the links for many Advent calendars, activities and Countdown Calendars so you can get your planning and printing done this weekend! This is a full-color one-page Christmas Countdown from Free Printables. There are sweet pictures behind each festive number:...
G-HAH Geography Bee HOW-TOs & FAQs
Greater Houston Area Home Educators Cordially invites all interested homeschoolers In the SE TX region In grades 1st-8th to participate in the annual Greater Houston Area Homeschool National Geographic Geography Bees They are hosting on Friday, January 22,...
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